Today I'm introducing a new column which will not be focused on my own mods. As a tribute to some of my favorite modders I have decided to showcase the best items in my personal male armor and clothes collection.
I'm starting with one of the most honorable members of the Oblivion modding scene: Chakaru! She's always been a source of inspiration for me, her mods are pure magic! She's always pushed herself beyond the limits of Oblivion's engine, creating things I'd never imagine to see in game. Plus, she's very much likely a fan of steampunk stuff, which is something I love! I was in a bliss when I found out she's modding for the boys, too! If you want to learn more about her visit Chakaru's Hawkhaven, you won't regret it!
Gunslayer Legend
This is a male outfit ported to Oblivion from the game Gunslayer Legend. As a bonus, the download also includes a wig from Final Fantasy XIII, not showed here.
Belphe's Travelling Gear Male
This wonderful mash-up was originally made for female characters but Chakaru decided to make a male version as well (hurray!). Most pieces come from Skyrim and there are several props adorning it. These include a book, a sword, a quiver, potions and ingredients. It's really impressive!
A super secret outfit comes with the archive as a bonus!
Tera Highelf Male
Although Chakaru's videocard got fried, nothing could prevent her from modding. This outfit comes from Tera but it's still a WIP, infact the arms didn't show up properly in game. However a few changes in nifskope should be enough to fix the problem.
The second modder I want to pay homage to is Kiki. His Baron Armor had a great success years ago, and some time later he released the Sylvan Armor. His armors are based on original designs of his (or at least they are modeled from scratch, no ripped content from other games is involved) and always include both male and female variants. Today I'm showing you two of his most recent works.
Gallant Armor
This is a white heavy armor based on the Elvaan Paladin set from Final Fantasy XI Online. A shield is included and a tiara comes as a bonus.
This armor is modeled off the Haubergeon set from Final Fantasy XIV. It comes in two variations and includes an optional beltpack and flask. I very much like this armor! Its is tight-fitting and the textures are very well detailed.
Maxim has converted a bunch of new hairs for men from The Sims. I have had the honor to test them before they are officially released at! Editing hair is not really that hard when you know the basics but it's very time consuming because of the apha transparency issue... fixing it requires a lot of time and patience. Max has done an outstanding job on that front and he's the only one who's trying to remedy the lack of male hair packs. Thank you so much Max!!!
Labels: Hair
Good news for all you hair lovers: Max has ported a bunch of new hairs by Lapiz Lazuli to Oblivion! 8 new male hairs are included in this pack and I'm pretty sure they can fit female characers, too. I've had the fortune to test these hairs before they were released and I can say Max did an excellent job on them. Don't they look just wonderful on my character Eli? You'll have to add them manually to your game but that's not a big deal if you're not new to modding. Download at
Labels: Hair
Finally, I have updated my CrossDress body. I can't believe this has been on my to do list for a year and a half!!! I have changed its name to Femboy body because it is not just intended to be a body for crossdressing. It is rather a male body with a girly or prepubescent shape. Infact this is in my opinion the best body replacer for making perfect kids.
If you use this as a male body replacer keep in mind that all male characters in your game will be affected. By default a nude version will be installed but you can replace it with one of the two optional clothed variants in the resource folder.
If I ever decide to upload this mod to Oblivion Nexus I will make a censored version and cut the full nudity out, I don't want to get in trouble with their strict policy.
The character in the pictures is my Companion Draki WIP. He uses a x117-like head derived from my other head WIP. All this stuff is unreleased but I will surely make it available to everyone as soon as I'm satisfied with the results.
The necklace is not included and comes from my other mod Neck Seam Concealers by Room207.
Labels: Body models
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This is donation hair 13 by Raon. It was originally a gift for Max but I think it's about time to share it with the others. You'll have to add it manually to your game with the construction set. Those who are familiar with my blog will probably know where the password is... I'll give a hint to all the others: just search near the lock icon...
Labels: Hair
Dlesang has recently made a replacer for the Shrouded Armor which has never been exactly one of my favorites. I like his version a lot more, it is very well done. There is just some rigging problems with the spikes which will come off the arms, for instance, with certain poses. But that's not particularly annoying and besides that this armor looks great! I thought I'd take some screenshots and show them here.
If you want to add the Dark Brotherhood armor straight to your inventory use the following console codes:
- Player.AddItem 000347F7 1 (Shrouded Armor)
- Player.AddItem 000347F4 1 (Shrouded Hood)
Labels: Armor, Screenshots
I have decided to write a small update about my current WIP. As you may already know I've been working on a vanilla races makeover for several months now. After releasing my Orsimer Overhaul I thought I should give my contribution to humans and elves, too. I wanted to make a better head mesh and textures. I started with remodeling the default head, then I accidentally found out that the head coming with the Lop Ears Elf II was actually a high poly version of the vanilla's and it used the same UV map! So I dropped the low poly mesh and used the Lop Ears Head in my mod... of course I had to completely reshape it. I made a new set of textures and age maps and I also created blank npcs faces in order to prevent npcs to use the bad quality face textures stored in the bsa archive. Now I'm making additional age maps for the girls which add make up to their faces. They seem to work pretty good, but I can't tell how decent they are, I don't know anything about make up!
In the meantime I had the chance to test a whole bunch of new male hairs from the sims converted by Max. These hairs will make a great addition to the game! I can show you a sample of four styles.
Labels: Face models, Hair